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Firefighting is one of the world’s most honored professions, but the life of a firefighter is intertwined with hazardous operations. Becoming a firefighter involves joining an organization rich in heritage of dedication, unselfish sacrifice and inspired human action. The job of a firefighter is not comfortable or easy but on the contrary, is enmeshed in making right choices and actions in dire predicaments…
Today when view the world, we view it as a global village with transcending global boundaries, where all the countries are racing towards growth, modernization and dynamism with mutual trade and transactional relations. This race of ground-breaking expansion and development is led by the lifeblood of nations which is “oil-the most crucial energy resource”…
It is a good practice to conduct periodic sample testing of fire-fighting foams to ensure the foam is able to perform its important and potentially life-saving function. All operations which include the use of flammable liquids introduce the risk of fire. Such fires are alarming in the rapidity of their growth and their intensity, and plans must be made in advance to deal with them promptly and efficiently…
Firefighters are dependable members of the community who assist in a wider range of emergency and non-emergency situations. They are rescuers, extensively trained in firefighting, primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten life, property, and the environment as well as to rescue people and in some cases or jurisdictions also animals from high-risk situations.
Fluorogenic compounds are common in firefighting foams due to their performance-boosting effects. Some per fluorinated substances are recognized as having adverse effects on our health and the environment. As a result, the manufacturers of firefighting foams are investing in the development of new, improved fluorine free foam concentrates..
HI-EX FOAM CONCENTRATE: DEFINITION, USAGE, HOW IT WORKS AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Bad things don’t come with prior notice, they just happen at any time, at any place! And it’s not like that something bad cannot happen to you, in fact, any mishappening can occur in anyone’s life. We surely can not stop..
Foam Extinguishers
There are different causes behind every fire and as we know different problems have different solutions thus every fire cannot be handled by using the same extinguisher! There are various types of foam concentrate each suited for a particular type of fire. You must be aware of which foam concentrate is to be used at..
Foam Extinguishers
HI-EX FOAM CONCENTRATE: DEFINITION, USAGE, HOW IT WORKS AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! We can not use only one kind of foam concentrate to extinguish every kind of fire. The extinguisher to be used depends on the factors causing a fire – agent that caused a fire ( electrical damage, gas leakage, fuel, alcohol

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