FOAMTECH (+91) 9811080370 Foam Concentrates
Foamer Brand
Foam Concentrates

Foamtech Antifire company conforms to all the national and international approvals, certifications and guidelines

Fluoro Protien Foam
Synthetic Foam
Hazmat Foam
Oil Spil Dispersant
Expansion Foam
Concrete Foam Concentrate
Supported by a widely-experienced team of industry professionals, we can offer world class fire fighting foam concentrates approved to major international standards. Properties of these agents includes moderate to long-term shelf life, fast knockdown of a fire, superior burn-back resistance and eco- friendly concentrates. Our fire fighting foam concentrates are derived from high-quality raw materials, benefitting from quality checks throughout the production and testing phases of manufacture.

AFFF Type 1, 3 & 6

AFFF Type 1, 3 & 6 It is a Synthetic Foam for class B fires for the Flammable Liquids & It has the ability to spread over the surface of Hydrocarbon based liquids. It provides better flow and faster knockdown of flames & Used for regular Low risk Industrial Units and Petro Chemical Industries. Used as at l, 3 & 6% concentration with fresh and salt water for fighting hydrocarbon fires.
Approvals : UL Listed, EN Approved, ISI Marked, DGQA, DGMS, TPI Inspected (BY, SGS, Lloyd, DNV, ABS etc.) and conforming to ICAO, ISO, Marine Approved ETC.

Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Foaming Foam AR-AFFF Type 1x3, 3x3 & 3x6

Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Foaming Foam AR-AFFF Type 1×3, 3×3 & 3×6 AR-AFFF is formulated with fluoro chemicals, hydrocarbon surfactant, solvents and high molecular weight polymers make it suitable for use not only in hydrocarbon fires but also in polar/alcohols fires. It has rapid knock down &fuel shedding properties. It contains a polymer that forms a protective layer between the burning surface and the foam, preventing foam break down by alcohols in the burning fuel .AR Foams should be used in fighting fires of fuels containing oxygenates .Used at Petroleum Industry for Tank Fires involving Water soluble Polar Solvents. These Foam Concentrates are also called ATC, ARC, and Multipurpose Foams.
Approvals : UL Listed, EN Approved, 151 Marked, Approved, LASTFIRE Certified, TPI Inspected (BV, SGS, Lloyd, DNV, ABS etc.) and conforming to ICAO, ISO, Marine Approved ETC.

Fluoro Protien Foam, FP Type 3 & 6

Make highly stabilized protein compound with combination of fluoro chemicals & salt make it suitable for rapid knock down of deep seated fire of hydrocarbon fuel in Oil Tank and in other bulk storage handling units.
Approvals: UL Listed, EN Approved, LASTFIRE Ceitified„ TPI Inspected (BY, SGS, Lloyd, DNV, ABS etc.) and conforming to 151, ICAO, ISO, Marine Approved ETC.

Film Forming Fluoro Protien Foam, FFFP Type 3 & 6

These are construct with highly stabilized protein compound with combination of fluor° chemicals which imparts aqueous film forming nature for quick knock clown and maximum burn back resistance for specially the Shallow Fires as in Airports Runway Tarmac’s, Tank farm and Bund Areas.
Approvals: UL Listed, EN Approved and conforming to ISO, ICAO, Marine Approved etc.

AR-PF Type 3x3 & 3x6

AR-PF Type 3×3 & 3×6 Used as ‘training Foam for ,covering Hydrocarbons fires and Alcohol & Polar solvent fires Specially in marine sector.
Approvals: EN Approved and conforming to ISO, ICAO, Marine Approved etc.

Alcohol Resistant Fluoro Protien Foam - AR-FP Type 3x3 & 3x6

For Alcohol & Polar solvent fires specially in marine Sector.
Approvals: EN Approved, 151 Marked and conforming to ISO, IMO, ICAO etc.

Alcohol Resistant AR Film Forming Fluoro Protien Foam- AR-FFFP Type 3x3 & 3x6

AR-FFFP concentrates a composition of fluoro chemicals, salt, polymers and highly stabilized hydrolyzed protein compound make it suitable for use in hydrocarbon and polar/alcohol fire. It has rapid knockdown and fuel shedding property. Being manufactured with protein and biopolymer make a synergistic effect to result maximum drainage property as well as maximum burn back resistance and vis-a-vis control pre and post-fire protection in high risk area. This Foam combination is good where burning fuel forms deeper Pools & has gasoline blended with oxygenates since alcohol prevents the formation of the film between the FFFP foam and gasoline, by breaking down the foam and this AR -FFFP Foam is ideal for this type of Fire as this Combination is resistant to the action of alcohols and allows the formation of Protective Film.
Approvals: EN Approved, 151 Marked and conforming to ISO, IMO, ICAO etc.

Hazmat Foam

For Suppression of vapours and Toxic Fumes in Pharmaceutical Industries and Chemical Industries and Public places where hazardous materials are manufactured and transported – Railway station, Airports, Ports and also handled at Sale units of these chemicals at Malls & Shopping Complexes etc.

High & Medium Expansion Foam - Type1, Type2 & Type3

Used for Shallow Fires in confined spaces like Tunnels, Ship Cargo, Mine Shafts, LNG Storage Area, and Covered Closed Sheds Used as 1 -3% concentration with fresh and salt water for use for total flooding of voluminous areas such as engine and boiler room, aircraft hanger, shipyard, onboard ship, cable tunnels and other inaccessible places where conventional foam application is restricted.
Approvals: EN Approved and conforming to ISO and IMO etc.

Synthetic Class A Foam - Type1, Type3, & Type6

Utilize at Coal processing Units, Tyre, Plastic & Paper Industry, DGMS approved for Mines. Used at 0.1 -1% concentration as low and medium expansion foam to water which reduces surface tension of water enormously making it penetrating agent to combat class A fires.
Approvals : ISI Marked and conforming to NIFPA 18

Protein Foam, PF Type 3 & 6

Produce with highly stabilized protein hydrolysate with salt make it suitable for use as 3 & 6% concentration with fresh and salt water applied in civil and military aviation, oil refineries, offshore oil platforms etc. where hydrocarbon fires hazard is maximum. it is also called training Foam and used fortraining in fire Brigades. Approvals : ISI Marked, EN Approved and conforming to ICAO, ISO, Marine Approved etc.

Oil Spill Dispersant - Type II & Type III

Manufactured with those ingredients whose environmental hazards are minimum and also after application does not largely affect aquatic bodies. It is used for crude oil Spills in Sea and suitable for all type of oil or Hydrocarbon fuel Spills.
Approvals: Approved by National Institute of Oceanography (N10)

Drill Foam Concentrate / Training Foam Concentrate

FOR MINERAL AND WATER WELL DRILLING – Used in Infrastructure and Construction Companies. Also it is used for training and demonstration in institutes.

Class K Foam Concentrate/ Class F / Kitchen Fire Chemicals / Wetting Agents

For grease and fat oils in kitchen fire. / CLASS A FIRES.
Approvals: EN Approved / Conforming to NFPA 1 8 & 315 Approved.

Fire Power UPBC

For grease and fat oils in kitchen fire. / CLASS A FIRES.
Approvals: EN Approved / Conforming to NFPA 1 8 & 315 Approved.

Polymer Based Dust Control Agent

For Complete control of dust in mines, cement industry and Road etc.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)

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