FOAMTECH (+91) 9811080370 Dry Chemical Powder
Flamax Brand
Dry Chemical Powder

Foamtech Antifire company conforms to all the national and international approvals, certifications and guidelines

At Foamtech Antifire, we manufacture high-quality fire-fighting dry chemical powders, which are versatile in their use and application. Naturally, these powders are highly effective against Class A, B and C fires, all of which is backed up by the approvals granted to the products by class leading approval agencies, such as Underwriters Laboratories, Lloyd’s Register and the Indian Standards Institute.

Dry Chemical Powder Mono Ammonium Phosphate Base

Manufactured with 40-90% mono ammonium phosphate and other additives make the powder free flowing, moisture repellent ond weather resistance.
Approvals : : EN 615 Approved, ISI MARKED and conforming to ISO 7202, Marine Approved..

Dry Chemical Powder Sodium Bi-carbonate Base

Manufactured with 90% sodium bicarbonate & suitable for use in high risk areas such as refineries, chemical plants etc.
Approvals: ISI MARKED, DGQA, MMD & DGMS Approved, EN 615 Approved and conforming to ISO 7202, UL.

Dry Chemical Powder Potassium Bi-carbonate Base

Foam Extinguishers
Manufactured with 90% Manufactured with 90% potassium bicarbonate suitable for use for quick fire knock down in high risk areas such as refineries, chemical plants etc.
Approvals: ISI MARKED, DGQA, MMD & DGMS Approved, EN 615 Approved and conforming to ISO 7202.

Dry Chemical Powder Ternary Eutectic Chloride (TEC) Base

Used for metal sodium,potassium ,lithium & reactive metals and their alloys etc,fires.

Dry Chemical Powder for Class-D Fire Sodium Chloride Base

Used for metal sodium,potassium ,lithium etc, fires.

Fire Power UPBC

Kindly show the packing wellnessing.

Dry Chemical Power

Developed chemical power fire and phosphoric fire.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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