FOAMTECH (+91) 9811080370 Blogs
The Future: PFAS-Free Firefighting Foams
The Future: PFAS-Free Firefighting Foams
Fluorogenic compounds are common in firefighting foams due to their performance-boosting effects. Some per fluorinated substances are recognized as having adverse effects on our health and the environment. As a result, the manufacturers of firefighting foams are investing in the development of new, improved fluorine free foam concentrates. A serious challenge since high-risk areas such as the chemical and petrochemical industry requires foams with the highest possible performance. Today, manufacturers offer a new generation of high performing fluorine-free foams for various applications. PFAS- Free fire-fighting foams are being manufactured with the vision of choosing biodegradable substitutes and committing to environmental responsibility
The FOAMTECH solution… Foamtech Fluorine Free Foamgenerally referred to as F3 or Green Foam is the most innovative, effective, and sustainable solution in fire suppression applications such as high-risk flammable liquid fires. Foamtech Fluorine Free Foam uses state-of-the-art Surface Active Technology. Today’s Environmental, Health and Safety concerns have given rise to the need for a Fluorine Free Foam, particularly for use where foam cannot be contained to prevent ground or water infiltration. Foamtech is proud to introduce Foamtech F3 Green Foam, the new “green” standard in foam fire suppression technology.

Foamtech Fluorine Free Foam Concentrates with the most modem Surfactant chemistry in full range – Hydrocarbon & Alcohol-based Fire
extinguishing capabilities. The Green Foam is a Viable Alternative to Fluorinated Aqueous Film-Forming Foams based on synthetic foam technology that is completely free of all fluorinated compounds.
• High performance with minimal environmental impact
• Effective and efficient deal for high-risk situations
• Separate production line for fluorine-free foams
• F3 Green products are compatible with most of the UL listed
equipment like Nozzles, Branches Foam pourer-Foam chamber,
Variable-fixed portable-fixed inline inductors, Bladder tank, Full
range of Monitors, Sprinkles, etc

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